Cathi Curen, M.A.
Career Coach: College of Health, Human Sciences & Nursing, College of Business Administration & Public Policy
Contact Information
Email: ccuren@yilunjianshe.com
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Career Coach: College of Health, Human Sciences & Nursing, College of Business Administration & Public Policy
Email: ccuren@yilunjianshe.com
Connectedness ⁞ Relator ⁞ Input ⁞ Maximizer ⁞ Intellection
College and Program Focus: College of Business and Public Policy, College of Health, Human Services and Nursing, Extended Education; International Students, Women's Resource Center, SLICE, Peer Ambassador Program
Hobbies and Interests: I have a passion for assisting individuals in the discovery of their unique talents and their application to meaningful work.
Favorite Quote and Why: "Every time you state what you want or believe, you're the first to hear it. It's a message to both you and others about what you think possible. Don't put a ceiling on yourself." - Oprah Winfrey
Our minds cannot tell the difference of what is real or imagined. Focusing on what we are naturally good at and investing in our talents daily can take us to those once, only imagined places.
Pepperdine: M.A., Clinical Psychology, Emphasis in Marriage & Family Therapy
UCLA: B.A., Psychology
Gallup Certified Strengths Coach
Certified Practitioner of the MBTI Step I and Step II Instrument
Student Employment and Career Readiness Coordinator
Lecturer, English Department
Email: jhenriquez5@yilunjianshe.com
Context ⁞ Harmony ⁞ Consistency ⁞ Deliberative ⁞ Adaptability
College and Program Focus: Student employment
Hobbies and Interests: Mentorship, first-gen studies, critical race theory, intersectionality, and popular culture
Favorite Quote: "No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." - Robin Williams
Robin Williams sums up the power of perseverance, belief, and creativity succinctly in this quote. Oftentimes, as a first-generation graduate, I feel like an imposter in my work as a higher education professional, but Williams' quote reminds me that my words, actions, and ideas do matter and can make an impact.
M.A., English Literature
Certificate in Rhetoric and Composition
SI Supervisor Certification
Administrative Support Coordinator II
Email: ishipp@yilunjianshe.com
Empathy ⁞ Positivity ⁞ Relator ⁞ Developer⁞ Harmony
Favorite Quote: "Even when it's not pretty or perfect. Even when it's more real that you want it to be. Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something to own." - Michelle Obama
Career Coach: College of Natural & Behavioral Sciences, College of Arts & Humanities
Email: klugo4@yilunjianshe.com
Individualization ⁞ Developer ⁞ Responsibility ⁞ Learner ⁞ Achiever
Hobbies and Interests: Roller skating, spending time outdoors, gardening, traveling, going to concerts, and spending time with family.
Favorite Quote and Why: "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." I love this quote because it reminds me of how important it is to be kind to ourselves and to others. There is great power in kindness.
CSUDH: M.S., College Counseling
CSUDH: B.A., Communications: Advertising/Public Relations
Director of Career Development & Liaison to the College of Education
Email: bimendez@yilunjianshe.com
Context ⁞ Achiever ⁞ Relator ⁞ Restorative ⁞ Woo
College and Program Focus: Career Coach Lead, Career & Professional Development Curriculum, Collaborative Partnerships
Hobbies and Interests: Traveling to new places, museums, reading, watching the Walking Dead, listening to true crime podcasts, hiking, and spending time with my two pitties, Porky and Steel
Favorite Quote and Why: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt
I love this quote because it reminds me that I belong and bring my knowledge and experience to the table.
CSU Fresno: Ed.D.
CSUDH: M.A., Education: School Counseling
CSU Long Beach: B.A., Liberal Studies
MBTI Certified
Clifton Strengths Certified
Discipline ⁞ Connectedness ⁞ Relator ⁞ Learner ⁞ Developer
College and Program Focus: Lead Administrative & Fiscal Analyst
Hobbies and Interests: Disneyland, reading, cooking, gardening, road trips, and spending time with my family
Favorite Quote and Why: "Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children." - Walt Disney
I love this quote because children are inspirational. They’re explorers waiting to conquer the world. We can learn a lot from their ability to see the world as a good place where they can do good.
CSUDH: B.S., Child Development
CSUDH: M.A., Sociology
Career Coach
Email: cdediosrodriguez@yilunjianshe.com
Connectedness ⁞ Input ⁞ Arranger ⁞ Individualization ⁞ Learner
College and Program Focus: College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences, Black Resource Center, Immigrant Justice Center, Queer Cultural & Resource Center, and Student disAbility Resource Center (SdRC)
Hobbies and Interests: Building community in my local neighborhood, spending time with family and friends, concerts, dancing/gym, learning, reading, trying new foods/places, sporting events, traveling, and writing.
Favorite Quote and Why: "Do work those matters. Vale la pena." - Gloria Anzaldua
I love this quote because I want to always have purpose in the work I do and hope it makes an impact and change. Gloria Anzaldua's work was transformational in the latter part of my undergraduate career.
California State University, Fullerton: M.S., Education-Concentration in Higher Education
B.A., Communications-Concentration in Print Journalism
B.A., Ethnic Studies-Chicana/o Studies