Online PTE

Perceived Teaching Effectiveness (Online Portal) 

Accessing the PTE Portal

All PTE's for all faculty are administered via the online PTE portal.

Faculty, college deans, department chairs, and reviewers may access the Perceived Teaching Effectiveness (PTE) portal at or via

  • All faculty can view the data collected for courses they have taught and print via the PTE portal. 
  • Department chairs (tenured faculty) will be able to see the PTE Results reports for their faculty members.
  • Deans will be able to see reports for courses in their college.
  • Reviewers (tenured faculty) evaluating Lecturers will be able to see reports for courses they have been granted access by the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development. * 
  • PTE results are available after grades have been submitted at the end of each semester.

*For RTP purposes, candidates for retention, tenure and promotion shall be evaluated via Interfolio. Each RTP committee member/reviewer will be provided access to the candidate Working Personnel Action File (WPAF) via Interfolio. Please click on the following link for more information on the RTP Guidelines and Policies.

PTE User Guides

  • Faculty PTE User Guide [PDF]
  • PTE User Guide for Deans, Department Chairs and Reviewers [PDF]

PTE Reports

Please follow the step-by-step instructions to access the PTE data.

For security purposes, a VPN will be required if accessing from outside the United States.

  • Step 1: Access the CSUDH Perceived Teaching Effectiveness Login site.
  • Step 2: Select your user role from the drop-down menu.
  • Step 3: Enter your CSUDH credentials, username and password.
  • Step 4: Click on the check box followed by the login button.
  • Step 5: You will receive a 6-digit code to your DH email on file. Please check your inbox or SPAM folder for the access code. 
  • Step 6: Return to the PTE portal login page and enter the 6-digit code number.
  • Once you have successfully logged in, you can select the appropriate semester and the course you wish to see reports for.

PTE Memorandums 

  • December 2, 2022 E-Mail | Presidential Memorandum 2022-05: Process for Student Course Evaluations of Faculty Perceived Teaching Effectiveness 
  • March 13, 2020 | Spring 2020 PTE Evaluations and COVID-19 Memorandum [PDF]
  • January 15, 2019 | PTE Administration in the 2018/2019 Academic Year Memorandum [PDF]


The following are answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Perceived Teaching Effectiveness process.

FAQs for Students

How do I know when the student evaluations are open?

You will receive a notification via email and an announcement posted via Canvas.

How do I access the student evaluations?

Via the Online PTE portal. All students will receive an email link to the PTE portal.

I have more than one instructor in a course. Can I evaluate them individually?

Yes. You will complete a separate evaluation for each instructor when there is more than one instructor for a course. 

Are my responses confidential?

Yes. Responses are reported without your name; thus, your identity isn't disclosed.

I had multiple evaluations to complete and accidentally evaluated one course when I thought it was another. Can I redo the evaluation?

No. Once an evaluation is submitted, it cannot be reopened or changed. The PTE responses are anonymous. Students should review and confirm that their responses are being submitted for the correct instructor listed on the PTE survey before submitting.

If you wish to notify the instructor about the incorrect submission, you can do so in writing. However, you will need to disclose your identity to the instructor. If you choose to provide feedback, you may submit your written comments directly to the instructor.

I missed the deadline to complete my evaluation and would like to provide feedback about the instructor/course. Can the evaluation be reopened?

Once the evaluation period has closed, we cannot reopen it or extend the deadline. If you'd like to provide feedback about a course or instructor after the evaluation has closed, you can notify the instructor in writing. However, you will need to disclose your identity to the instructor. If you choose to do so, you may submit your written feedback directly to the instructor.

Why are evaluations closed before the final exam period?

Evaluations are closed before the final exam period to reduce the possibility that final grades may influence student feedback.

How do I know that I completed an evaluation?

You may check the status via the PTE portal or MyCSUDH.

When do instructors get the results?

The responses to the PTE survey are made available to the instructor at the end of the semester.

Does anyone besides my instructor able to review the evaluations?

Yes. The reports are used by department chairs, deans, evaluation committees and other individuals for business related matters.

Who do I contact for technical assistance?

You may contact Ruby Martinez at in the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development or submit a ticket with I.T.

FAQs for Instructors

Can I add my own questions to the PTE Survey?

Yes. Instructors can add up to two questions for each course, tailored to the term. Instructors will be notified via email when the Online PTE Optional Form period is open prior to the start of the course. Please refer to the PTE schedule and PTE User Guide on our website.

I forgot to add my optional questions before the deadline. Can you reopen the form so I can add my questions?

Faculty are provided with sufficient time to complete the PTE Optional Questions form via the PTE portal up to 4 weeks. Once the Online PTE Optional Questions form has closed, we are unable to reopen it or extend the deadline.

How will I know when the PTE Survey is open?

Please refer to the PTE schedule on our website.

Can I monitor the response rates? 

Yes. You will be able to monitor the response rates until the last day of classes by login to the PTE portal.

When will evaluations be open?

For 15-week courses the evaluations will be administered four weeks before the last day of classes. For classes that do not fit the 15-week schedule, the PTE survey will be administered two weeks before the last day of classes. Please refer to the PTE schedule on our website.

Can I choose to use a paper evaluation?

No, CSUDH no longer administers paper evaluations.

Why is my evaluation window closing before my last class?

The default evaluation end date is set so evaluations close before the final exam period. This default evaluation end date is based on the course end date as listed in PeopleSoft, and/or the final exam schedule. Evaluations are administered before the final exam period to minimize the likelihood that final grades will be influenced by student feedback. 

My evaluation has closed, but I’d like to receive a higher response rate. Can you reopen the PTE Survey?

No, we are not able to reopen the evaluation once it has closed. Instructors are encouraged to talk with their students on the importance of the PTE process, student participation and feedback.

I co-teach a course. Are instructors evaluated separately? 

Yes. Students will be asked to complete separate evaluations for each instructor as listed in PeopleSoft. 

Can I provide extra credit to students for completing the student evaluation?

The Office of Faculty Affairs and Development strongly recommends not offering extra credit to students for participating in the PTE process. Pursuant to Article 15.17.a. of the CSU/CFA Collective Bargaining Agreement, student evaluations shall be anonymous and only identified by course and/or section at all times. For that reason, providing incentives may risk the anonymous status of the students providing feedback.

Is the instructor required to leave the classroom during the student evaluation period?

It is recommended that when setting aside time in class for students to complete the online PTE survey, instructors should leave the room to help ensure that students feel free to provide authentic responses.

When are the PTE results available?

The evaluation results are available at the end of the semester and after grades have been submitted. The PTE Results Report will show how your students responded to the multiple-choice questions. The reports will also include the student feedback from the open-ended comments. Please refer to the PTE schedule for the term.

If you leave the university and no longer an active CSUDH employee, your credentials are revoked for all CSUDH services including the PTE portal. Instructors are encouraged to keep a copy of the PTE Results Reports for their records.

Can I access my past reports?

Yes. You may access the PTE Results Report for previous semesters by login into the PTE portal. For security measures, you will be emailed a code to access the PTE system. However, you must be an active employee. Please check your email inbox and SPAM folder from Instructors are encouraged to keep a copy of their reports for their records.

Can i access my PTE data if I'm outside the United States?

Yes, but you will need a VPN connection to access it.

Who has access to view the PTE results?

Tenured department chairs, deans, evaluation committees and other individuals for business related matters. Instructors will only have access to their own evaluations.

Can I print my PTE reports?

Yes, instructors may print their PTE reports for the courses they taught. We recommend keeping a copy of the reports for your records and/or for inclusion in the RTP evaluation cycle. To view and print the reports, you will need to disable the pop-up blocker.

Who do I contact for questions and technical assistance?

You may contact Ruby Martinez at in the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development. You may also place a ticket with I.T.

FAQs for Department Chairs/Unit Heads

Do I have access to view the PTEs as a Department Chair?

Yes, but only department chairs or unit heads with tenured status are granted access to view the PTEs for their faculty members. You may refer to the CSU/CFA Collective Bargaining Agreement for more details. We also recommend reviewing the Department Chair PTE User Guide on our website.

How do I get PTE access as Department Chair or Unit Head?

The Office of Faculty Affairs and Development will automatically grant PTE access to new and returning department chairs or unit heads. PTE access will only be valid for the duration of the appointment.  

If a change occurs within a term for the following roles (dean, associate dean, department chair, department reviewer), please send an email to We will update the permissions for users within the PTE portal. 

Can I view the PTEs for faculty members being reviewed under the RTP process?

No. For RTP purposes, candidates for retention, tenure, and promotion will be evaluated through Interfolio. Each RTP committee member/reviewer will have access to the candidate's Working Personnel Action File (WPAF) via Interfolio. For any questions about the RTP process, please contact Dianne Vogel.

How can Department Peer Review Committee Members gain access to view the PTEs for the temporary faculty unit employee (Lecturer) under review?

The Department Chair or Unit Head can submit an email request to Ruby Martinez in the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development. Once access is granted, the department will be notified by email. Please allow up to two weeks for the request to be processed. Department Peer Review Committee Members are encouraged to review the PTE User Guide for Reviewers available on our website.

Can I print the PTEs of a faculty member?

No. Only the faculty member may print their own PTEs.

I need technical PTE assistance.

If you are a faculty, administrator or student having technical issues with the PTE system, please contact the I.T. Help Desk at (310) 243-2500 or submit a request via the I.T. Service portal at

You may also send an e-mail to Ms. Ruby Martinez, Office of Faculty Affairs and Development.