Latest News
The Registrar’s Office is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
For graduation-related questions, email or contact your Graduation Evaluator. For all other questions about registration, records, transcripts, petitions, and more, email or call 310-243-3645.
For the latest updates regarding COVID-19 and the self-certification process, please visit
- Take care of it online. We only accept digital documents and no longer accept paper forms and documents by mail or in-person. Please upload all forms and supporting documents via the Dropbox folders below.
Do not email your forms or documents. After you have uploaded the documents, you will receive a confirmation email from Dropbox. If items are missing or incomplete, we will notify current students via ToroMail, your CSUDH email account. If you are not a current student, we will notify you using the email that you provided on the form. - Forms that require payment of a fee can be uploaded to Dropbox for processing and then the appropriate fee will be charged to your University account.
- Before you upload your forms and documents, please watch the tutorials on how to sign and merge all documents by using Free Adobe Acrobat and how to upload your documents to Dropbox.
Sign & Merge Documents
Upload Forms and Documents to Dropbox
Dropbox Folder for W-9S Forms
Click the icon to upload all documents related to the W-9S form. Please allow up to 3-10 business days for processing.
Dropbox Folder for General Records Documents
Click the icon to upload general records documents and forms. Please allow up to 3-10 business days for processing.
Dropbox Folder for Petition for Exception
Click the icon to upload the Petition for Exception form and supporting documents. Please allow up to 5-10 business days for processing. You will be notified by email once the petition has been processed.
Please Note: Late and Retroactive Withdrawal Petitions
Current Students can securely submit Late Withdrawal petitions through their student portal at Students can submit documents in one location. The request will be automatically routed to designated approvers. Email notification will sent to their CSUDH email regarding petition request submission and review completion.
Dropbox Folder for Graduation Documents & Graduation Petitions
Click the icon to upload all graduation related forms and documents. Please allow up to 5-10 business days for processing.
Dropbox Folder For General Education Petition
Click the icon to upload the General Education Petition and supporting documents. The GE committee meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month. You will be notified by email once the petition has been processed.
Dropbox Folder for GWAR Waiver Petition
Click the icon to upload the GWAR Waiver Petition and supporting documents. Please allow 10 business days for processing. You will be notified by email once the petition has been processed.
Grading and Enrollment Forms
The Change of Program form should be submitted if a student wishes to make any change in their official schedule after regular registration. Program changes during regular registration can be done online at Changes include dropping a class, adding a class, changing the number of units for a class in which the student is registered, and changing from one section to another of the same course. After the regular registration period, the student must submit the Change of Program form, which requires the student to obtain approval of the instructor, department chair, and dean’s signature before submitting to the Registrar’s Office.
A change of program is any change made in a student's official schedule. Changes include dropping a class, adding a class, changing the number of units for a class in which the student is registered, and changing from one section to another of the same course. Program changes during regular registration can be done online at
Program Changes During Late Registration
Note: Deadlines dates for adding and dropping are listed each semester in the official University Academic Calendar which can be found in the class schedule.
Weeks 1 through 3: Between the start of classes and the end of the add/drop period of each semester, a student may add online at or can file a Change of Program Form [PDF]. To add courses students must request a Late Registration Permission Number from the instructor. The Late Registration Permission Numbers can only be used one time, by one student, and for that specific course only.
Week 4: Students may add via a Change of Program Form [PDF] with signatures from the instructor, program chair, and dean.
Drop (Official Withdrawal from a Course)
Weeks 1 through 3: Between the start of classes and the end of the add/drop period of each semester, a student may withdraw online at or can file a Change of Program Form [PDF]. No instructor approval is required. No grade is assigned and the enrollment does not appear on the student's record. Exception: Department Chair approval is required in order to drop MAT 3, MAT 9, ENG 88, and ENG 99.
- Adding a Class: You can add with a Change of Program form signed by the Instructor, Program Chair of the department, and Dean of the college offering the class.
- Dropping a Class: You can drop classes using the Change of Program form and it must be signed by the instructor OR your advisor at your Student Success Center. No grade is assigned, and the enrollment does not appear in the students record.
Weeks 5 through 11: A student may be eligible to withdraw from a course up to the end of week 11. They must submit a Petition for Exception Form [PDF], a Change of Program Form [PDF] and evidence of a serious and compelling reason. An administrative grade of "W" may be assigned. The Change of Program Form must include signatures from the instructor, department chair, and dean.
Starting in the Fall 2009 semester, students can now withdraw from only 18 units (typically 4-6 classes) during the course of their studies at CSUDH. After that, any courses not completed will result in a failing grade. This limit applies to course withdrawals during week 4 through 11. Any withdrawals taken before the Fall 2009 term do not count toward the 18-unit limit.
Weeks 12 through 15: Withdrawals are not be permitted during this period of instruction except in cases, such as accident or serious illness, where the cause of withdrawal is due to circumstances clearly beyond the student's control and the assignment of an Incomplete is not practical. Withdrawals during this time of the semester are only allowable for all classes. Permission to withdraw during this time must be granted only with the approval of the instructor, department chair, and dean. Documentation is required before the withdrawal is approved. A reason for withdrawal must be provided for all requests to withdraw during this period. Withdrawals that occur during this period will not count against the Undergraduate 18-unit withdrawal limit.
The Approval for Audit Form is designated for students who wish to audit a course. The student must obtain the approval of the instructor on the Approval for Audit form, approval may not be obtained prior to the first day of instruction. Auditing a course means a student can attend class meetings and have access to course materials, but they will not receive credit for the course. The symbol AU will appear on the student’s record for audited courses. Auditors must pay the same fees as would be charged if the courses were taken for credit.
A student not admitted to, nor enrolled in, the University must file a Statement of Residence prior to auditing a course. A residence determination must be made so that appropriate fees may be charged. Auditors must pay the same fees as would be charged if the courses were taken for credit.
A student who wishes to audit a course must obtain the approval of the instructor on the Approval for Audit Form [PDF], which is also available in the Office of Admissions & Records. The approval may not be obtained prior to the first day of instruction. Enrollment as an auditor is subject to the approval of the instructor.
A student registered as an auditor may be required to participate in any or all classroom activities at the discretion of the instructor. A student who is enrolled for credit may not change to audit after the end of the add/drop period. Credit for courses audited will not subsequently be granted on the basis of the audit. An audited course should be taken into consideration when planning a program so that the study load will not be excessive. The symbol "AU" will appear on the student's record for audited courses.
Students who have maintained continuous attendance (or have been recently approved for a Planned Educational Leave) may be able to change their catalog year based on the following criteria:
- The default catalog year is the year of CSUDH admission.
- If applicable, a student may claim the year they entered a California Community College or another CSU, if the student has remained in continuous attendance.
- Students may claim the catalog year in effect at the time of graduation.
As noted in Title V of the California State Education Code, returning students who did not maintain continuous attendance (or had not been approved for a Planned Education Leave) will lose their prior catalog rights and will be subject to all requirements and regulations in the catalog of the year they are readmitted to the campus.
*Continuous attendance means attendance in at least one semester or two quarters in each calendar year.
Undergraduate students who wish to declare a new major/minor or add a second major/minor will be able to do so by submitting a request directly from their myCSUDH student portal. Once a student submits their request, the information will be routed to the appropriate designated personnel to review, approve, and process the request. Prior to submitting a request, a student must meet with an advisor from their Student Success Center.
For additional information on how the process works, please review the following link with steps on how to submit a request.
A student may change his/her major or minor at any time before applying for graduation. If a student has not declared his/her major and is ready to do so, it is also considered a change of the major or minor.
The Credit/No Credit Grading Option Form is used when a student wishes to change their course grading into a Credit or No Credit instead of traditional grading. Restrictions apply, refer to the form for more information about restrictions and university policy regarding Credit/No Credit grading option. Selection of the CR/NC grading option must be made during the first three weeks of instruction.
A student may elect to be graded on a "CR/NC" basis in a course that has another grade basis such as "A-F". A Credit/No Credit Grading Option Form [PDF] must be completed.
No more than 24 units graded "CR/NC", whether taken at this or another institution, may be offered in satisfaction of the total units required for a bachelor's degree. If 24 units graded "CR/NC" are accepted in transfer, no additional courses graded "CR/NC" may be used to satisfy degree requirements, except when a required course is graded solely on a "CR/NC" basis. Any credits earned through College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests are exempt from the 24 credit maximum at the time of score reporting. However, should these credits place the student above 24 total "CR/NC" units, no additional credit/no credit units may be counted toward graduation.
Selection of the grading basis ("A-F" for "CR/NC") is made beginning the first week of classes through the end of the add/drop period. Courses used to satisfy a major or which are prerequisites to it, must be taken for a letter grade.
Graduate Level Students
"CR/NC" grades may be allowed in courses numbered below 500 which will not be used to satisfy the requirements of a graduate degree program.
For additional information regarding Credit/No Credit, please see the University Catalog.
Students may challenge select courses by taking examinations developed at CSUDH. Credit shall be awarded to those who pass the examination successfully. A registered student may receive credit by examination for courses in which they are eligible to enroll. The student should contact the office of the appropriate department to initiate the procedure. Credit by examination will not be given for course work that an academic department deems inappropriate or impossible to evaluate. The Credit by Examination Petition Form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office after completion of the form with appropriate signatures and payment of applicable fees.
Undergraduate students enrolled in the CSU may enroll, without formal admission and without payment of additional State University Fees, in a maximum of one course per academic term at a campus of either of the other systems on a space-available basis at the discretion of the appropriate campus authorities on both campuses. Students should complete the Cross-Enrollment Application and submit to the Office of the Registrar or other designated cross-enrollment office at their home campus prior to the host campus filing period. Students should verify admission and filing deadlines with the host campus.
Compton College students may enroll at CSUDH without a formal admission offer and can enroll in a maximum of one course per Fall and Spring semester for $10 per course. Please read the form for more details.
- Complete the cross enrollment form and meet with a Compton College counselor to verify your eligibility. If you are eligible to cross enroll, Compton College will submit to form to CSUDH on your behalf.
- After the form is submitted to the Registrar’s Office at CSUDH, you will be enrolled in the class and notified by email. If the course is full, we’ll notify you by email.
- After you have been registered for the course, you will receive access to MyCSUDH, the student portal and you must pay the $10 fee within 48 hours. You can pay online or in person at the Cashiers Office.
- If you are receiving financial aid, complete the Consortium Agreement and submit it to the CSUDH Financial Aid and Scholarships Dropbox for current Toros.
The Exception to Academic Policy for Repetition of Courses Form can be submitted in unique circumstances in which the student is able to demonstrate need and documentation for circumstances which support the potential for the student’s future academic success. An undergraduate student may not enroll in or receive unit credit for a course for which the student has already received a grade of A, B, C, or CR. Students can use this form if they wish to seek an exception to undergraduate limit for repetition of courses, or if they seek an exception to repeat a course more than twice.
This form is to used for substitutions involving GE courses only.
Submit the G.E. petition form and include the following:
- CSUDH course you want to substitute and the G.E. Area it fulfills
- Course description of course you took elsewhere
- Course learning outcomes for the course you took elsewhere
- Course syllabus (if available) of course you took elsewhere
- Course catalog from previous institution noting the course meets the institution’s GE program requirements, if appropriate
Students sixty years of age and older may be eligible for an Older Adult Fee Waiver using the Older Adult Fee Waiver Form. Applicant must present documentation which establishes their identity and their age. Students using the Older Adult Fee Waiver may register on or after the first day of the term. The number of Older Adult Fee Waivers is limited; Older Adult students who are not participating in the Older Adult fee waiver program will be required to pay fees by the posted due date.
The Petition for Exception Form is used when a student is requesting an exception to a university policy. The student should first meet with the designated staff person or the Associate Dean from the College associated with the request to assist in determining whether a Petition for Exception is the appropriate procedure to address the situation. Petitions for Exceptions are not granted automatically and must be accompanied by compelling external verification or documentation.
Students may petition for exception to certain university academic regulations when unusual circumstances exist. It should be noted, however, that academic regulations contained in Title 5, California Code of Regulations, cannot be waived by petition. Before filing a petition, students must first speak with the designated representatives in the School or College associated with their request. Only in cases where no alternate means of resolution is available should a student then file a petition.
A Planned Educational Leave is defined as a planned interruption or temporary cessation of a student's formal education in which the student voluntarily and temporarily ceases enrollment at CSUDH while pursuing other educationally related activities to enrich their academic program or to clarify educational goals. Restrictions apply, refer to the form for more information about restrictions and university policy regarding Planned Educational Leave.
It is a university requirement that graduate students maintain continuous attendance throughout the course of their study for the master's degree. Any graduate student in good academic standing may request a Planned Graduate Student Leave. Reasons for seeking a leave are likely to be varied, but all applicants should intend to return to formal study within a specified time period.
To apply for a Planned Graduate Student Leave, the student must be a conditionally classified or classified graduate student with a grade point average of 3.0 or better. Application for the leave must be filed with the appropriate graduate coordinator before the first day of classes for the semester during which the leave is to begin, and should be accompanied by appropriate documentation.
Duration of Leave
The minimum initial leave will be one full term; the maximum will be one calendar year. Under compelling circumstances, a student may request, in writing and in advance, an extension of the leave. The total number of approved Planned Graduate Student Leaves may not exceed two, and the duration of Planned Graduate Student Leaves may not total more than two calendar years.
The Planned Graduate Student Leave is approved at the discretion of the student's graduate coordinator. The graduate coordinator may require periodic reports from the student. Students who plan to enroll for credit at another institution of higher education during the leave period must obtain prior approval for the transfer of course credit to the program from the graduate coordinator.
Approval of the leave does not constitute an extension of the time period for completing all course work and other requirements for the graduate degree. Approval of the student's leave application constitutes agreement by the university that the student will be temporarily exempted from the continuous attendance requirement as long as the student meets the conditions specified in the approved leave application. Students who do not return to the university at the conclusion of their planned leave will be considered to have withdrawn from the university at the end of their last semester of regular enrollment at CSUDH.
Application Procedures
Download the Graduate Request for Planned Educational Leave Form [PDF] or obtain a paper copy from the Graduate Program Coordinator and the Office of Academic Programs. Upon completion of the form, submit it to the Registrar in The Registrar's Office.
Availability of Services
A student on Planned Graduate Student Leave shall be expected to devote his/her leave period to off-campus activities. The student shall be classified as "on leave" and shall not be considered a regularly enrolled student. Therefore, the student is not entitled to the campus services normally provided to enrolled students, except that the student may confer with his/her academic advisor and others regarding leave activity and plans for re-enrollment.
Resumption of Formal Education
A student shall be guaranteed re-entry and retention of registration priority if all conditions of the approved leave have been met at the conclusion of his/her Planned Graduate Student Leave. Every effort shall be made to facilitate and simplify the return. For purposes of election of graduation requirements, the approved leave shall not constitute an interruption of attendance provided the student registers in the same major. Students who fail to resume studies at the prearranged time shall forfeit the advantages of the Planned Graduate Student Leave Program.
Student Record
Each student enrolled in the program will have an entry made on his/her permanent record indicating that the student is on leave. The dates of the beginning and conclusion of the leave also will be recorded. Students must obtain prior approval of The Registrar's Office to enroll for credit at another institution of higher education. Any credit earned will be treated as transfer credit to be evaluated and entered in student records in the customary manner.
Failure to Comply with Planned Leave Provisions
Any student on planned leave who does not comply with all provisions of this policy and the conditions of the leave is subject to forfeiture of the advantages of this program.
Students who do not return to the university at the conclusion of their planned leave will be considered to have withdrawn from the university at the end of their last semester of regular enrollment at CSUDH.
A Planned Educational Leave is defined as a planned interruption or temporary cessation of a student's formal education in which the student voluntarily and temporarily ceases enrollment at CSUDH while pursuing other educationally related activities to enrich their academic program or to clarify educational goals. University policy allows students to be out of attendance for one semester (not including Summer and Winter terms) and still maintain their continuing student status. Restrictions apply, refer to the form for more information about restrictions and university policy regarding Planned Educational Leave.
A Planned Educational Leave is defined as a planned interruption or temporary cessation of a student's formal education in which the student voluntarily and temporarily ceases enrollment at CSUDH while pursuing other educationally-related activities to enrich his/her academic program or to clarify educational goals. The leave may be used for any number of educationally-related activities including travel, independent study, work study, or attendance at another institution. The intent of the program is to make it possible for a student to suspend academic work, leave the campus, and later resume studies with a minimum of procedural difficulty. Petitions are available at The Registrar's Office.
Students must have an overall grade point average of 2.0; be in good academic standing; completed one semester of coursework at CSUDH, and must not have applied to graduate for the same term as the requested planned leave.
Application Procedures
- A registered student may file an Undergraduate Request for Planned Educational Leave Form [PDF]. The petition shall include an explanation of the student's reasons for seeking an educational leave and when he/she intends to resume academic work.
- The request shall be initiated by the student and be reviewed by The Registrar's Office. If the request is approved, the registrar shall take steps to ensure the student's re-entry and retention of registration priority, and make the appropriate entry in the student's academic record.
- The request shall be approved only after contractual agreements (e.g., financial aid) have been satisfactorily terminated or renegotiated.
- A registered student may file a petition for a Planned Educational Leave at any time; however, the leave will not commence until the beginning of the following semester.
- Permission for a Planned Educational Leave must be requested and approved in advance of the term the leave is to begin; a leave will not be granted retroactively.
- Students whose Planned Educational Leaves will take them out of California are advised to consult The Registrar's Office regarding residency requirements.
Duration of Leave
The minimum leave shall be two full semesters; the maximum, two calendar years.
Availability of Services
A student on Planned Educational Leave shall be expected to devote his/her leave period to off-campus activities. The student shall be classified as "on leave" and shall not be considered a regularly enrolled student. Therefore, the student is not entitled to the campus services normally provided to enrolled students, except that the student may confer with his/her academic advisor and others regarding leave activity and plans for re-enrollment.
Resumption of Formal Education
A student shall be guaranteed reentry and retention of registration priority if all conditions of the approved leave have been met at the conclusion of his/her Planned Educational Leave. Every effort shall be made to facilitate and simplify the return. For purposes of election of graduation requirements, the approved leave shall not constitute an interruption of attendance provided the student registers in the same major. Students who fail to resume studies at the prearranged time shall forfeit the advantages of the Planned Educational Leave Program.
The Time Conflict Approval Form is used if a student is attempting to enroll in two classes that have a time overlap. In this situation, the student must receive permission from both instructors on the Time Conflict Approval Form.
A student wishing to enroll in two classes that overlap must get permission from both instructors. The student must:
- Use the Approval for Time Conflict Form [PDF] to obtain approval (signature) to enroll from each instructor.
- Obtain Late Registration Permission Numbers from each instructor and enter them on the Change of Program Form [PDF].
- Return the completed forms to The Registrar's Office to be registered in-person during late registration period only.
Graduation and Diploma Forms
The Late Graduation Application for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Candidates Form should be submitted only if the student is attempting to apply for graduation past the published deadline. Graduation Applications filed after the posted deadline are assessed an additional fee along with the regular graduation processing fee. Fees must be paid within 48 hours.
If a student needs to request an additional copy (or replacement copy) of their diploma, the following link will need to be used to place the request. The process for diploma reorder will take approximately 3-5 weeks for delivery and includes a $15 charge.
The Graduation Certification Request Form is used if a student wishes to request a certification which verifies the student as a candidate for graduation and the expected graduation date. To be certified for Declaration of Candidacy, the student must have filed an application for award of degree for the term requested. To be verified for completion of degree requirements, the student must have applied for graduation and have all requirements met. Students must submit the form and a processing fee for the Graduation Certification Request.
Undergraduate students may enroll in up to two courses for graduate credit. This coursework will not be used for completion of the undergraduate degree. The student must obtain the signature of the appropriate Program Coordinator of the Graduate Program and submit the Graduate Course Credit for Seniors form in the final semester of their senior year.
The Undergraduate Request for Reactivation of Graduation Form is used for students who previously filed to graduate and then broke continuous attendance at CSUDH without completing all degree requirements, and now seek to complete their degree. All students seeking reactivation must consult with their department(s). These departments may allow the student to retain the original catalog year or select a subsequent catalog year with respect to requirements for the respective program. Restrictions and fees apply, refer to the form for more information about restrictions and university policy regarding Undergraduate Request for Reactivation of Graduation.
Personal Information Change Forms
The Personal Data Change Form is used for current or former students who wish to update their Name, Date of Birth, or Social Security/Individual Tax Identification Number with the University. For students who wish to change their name, appropriate state or court issued documentation along with a valid photo identification card is required for name change. Current students can indicate a “preferred” first name, if different from their legal name. A student may change their preferred first and/or middle names on their student center, Preferred names will not be used for official university record purposes such as enrollment verification, official transcripts, employment, payroll records, and, but not limited to, financial aid.
Legal Name Change Policy
Current and former students may change their name by submitting a Personal Data Change Form [PDF] to The Registrar’s Office. Appropriate state or court issued documentation that indicates a name change along with a valid photo identification card must include with this form. This documentation can include but is not limited to the following:
- Marriage License
- Certificate of Naturalization
- Adoption/Birth Certificate
- Divorce Decree (stating restored name)
- Court Order
- Alien Registration Card
The documentation submitted must include the students new and former name.
Preferred Name Change Policy
Except when the use of an individual’s legal (or primary) name is required by law, current students may be identified by a preferred name. California State University, Dominguez Hills wishes to allow its community to use a preferred name in order to give members an empowering, safe, and nondiscriminatory university experience. Every member of the campus community should feel empowered to be called by the name of their choosing. Equally important, no one should feel pressure to change their name for the acceptance or convenience of others.
Policy: Current students can indicate a “preferred” first name, which is a name the student wishes to be commonly known as, if different from their legal name. A student may change their preferred first and/or middle names on their student center, The student’s preferred name will be visible in the below areas, and may be subject to change:
- Class Rosters
- Grade Rosters
- Faculty Center - Class/Grade Roster
- Advisee Student Center – all tabs within advisee student services center
- Academic Requirements Reports
Preferred names will not be used for official university record purposes such as enrollment verification, official transcripts, employment and payroll records, and, but not limited to, financial aid. Additionally, changing the preferred name will not change a student’s email address that appears in the student’s record.
Any attempt to misuse preferred name policy for purposes of misrepresentation or fraud may result in a violation of the Student Conduct code and be referred to the Leadership Engagement and Development Office.
Changing Addresses Online
Current students may change their address online in their account. In your account, addresses are categorized by type. Some examples of address types are home, mailing, and permanent.
To change an address perform the following steps:
- Step 1: Log into your account and select Student Center
- Step 2: Locate the Personal Information Section at the bottom of the Student Center
- Step 3: Identify the address that you would like to update and click on the blue link indicating the address type (i.e., Mailing Address, Home Address) within Contact Information in your Student Center.
- Step 4: Select the address that you would like to update and click the “edit” button.
- Step 5: Update the information on the proceeding page and click “OK.”
- Step 6: Review your changes and click “Save.”
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is a Federal Law designed to Protect the privacy of education records. Students can use the FERPA Consent to Release Student Information Form if they wish to allow specific individuals access to their educational records. Student can identify which information can be released to that individual, including disciplinary records, financial aid, transcripts, and, but not limited to, academic advising.
The Request to Withhold Directory Information Form will prevent the Registrar's Office from verifying any directory information regarding a student’s record to anyone - including yourself, over the telephone or in writing without your signed, written consent. This form will prevent verification for purposes of employment, loans, credit card applications and insurance.
Graduate Studies Forms
Graduate Studies forms may be found on the Graduate Studies website.